Michael Gisiger

Explore the History of Timekeeping



Histhorology will be a video channel that aims to educate watch lovers, collectors, and a broader audience about the history of timekeeping.

Hi, I'm Michael, a historian by education, an adult educator by trade, and a watch enthusiast by passion. On my channel I will talk about the history of timekeeping in general. There are a lot of people online, who make good, informative videos about watches and related stuff. But only a very few creators talk about the history of timekeeping.


I want to change that, so I'm preparing my channel Histhorology as a small not-for-profit side project. As I'm still mastering my video production skills, my videos will be only available in the fediverse through Peertube.


→ my private Pixelfed account, where I post photos of my collection

→ visit my linktree page for further links

Simplified Timeline of Timekeeping Devices

I created a simplified overview as a guideline for the content of my videos.

Simplified Timeline of Timekeeping Devices by Histhorology


My first 6 videos of the first season will explore these 5 timekeeping technologies in detail. I also plan to extend the timeline into the 20th century, starting with wristwatches and ending with smartwatches.